Ferry Van Damme
Maandelijkse Toolbox AL
 >  Telephone behind the wheel - safety gloves

On the occasion of mobility week, we want to draw extra attention this month to the use of the mobile phone behind the wheel.

Unfortunately, far too many accidents still happen on the road, sometimes even fatally!! Many of these accidents are due to the use of the mobile phone behind the wheel and can therefore be perfectly avoided.

We do not only think of our own safety, but also of the people we unknowingly involve in causing an accident due to the use of the mobile phone behind the wheel.

Risks > What can happen?

While driving it is very tempting to answer the phone or quickly answer a short text message, but in the end this is not without possible (serious) consequences when we lose concentration while driving .....

What can go wrong?

  1. Collision with other vehicles.
  2. Collision with pedestrians or cyclists in close proximity.
  3. No interaction with the traffic signals/lights.
  4. Unexpected manoeuvre of other vehicles not visible (moving lane on the motorway/abrupt stopping etc )

We watch the video, Mobile phone behind the wheel dangerous? 

We going to test it out.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5mXeMUTCw4

Another example of lack of attention due to the use of mobile phone behind the wheel.

In this case, the person in question was on the phon while driving the CAT. The conversation must have been very interesting to loose attention on the road and around you....

Fortunately, in this case we are only talking about material damage an the necessary scary effect.

You don't want to imagine if you as pedestrian would be on that place at that moment....

Measures > What must you do?

What are the alternatives to not calling behind the wheel?

- Use Android auto or apple carplay to make hands-free calls. 

- Use a bluetooth car kit if your car does not support bluetooth. 

- Use a car holder to easily make hands-free calls.


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Due to the many hand injuries, we want to inform everyone about the use of the safety gloves during his or her work.

Each type of work has its own dangers that we can protect ourselves from. By using gloves we can prevent many injuries.

Flyers have been displayed in all halls that explain which gloves are present in the company and which to use during the work. 

Always be aware of the use of the gloves and their usefulness !!

The 63-year-old Hungarian had prepared a load of trailers in his truck for departure from the Willams Haulage site.

The man was trying to reach the top of his truck, with one foot on the loading dock and the other on the back of another truck.

However, he fell about 1.25 meters onto the concrete floor below as the adjacent truck pulled away. he sustained serious injuries and succumbed to his injuries at the hospital.

This incident could have been prevented if the company had simply ensured that control measures and safe work practices were followed and that visiting drivers were made aware of the site's safety rules."

Discussion > QUESTIONS?


  1. Are there any questions about the given toolbox?
  2. Anyone have any examples from their own experiences or findings?


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